Friday, November 05, 2004

The call of the road

Well I have decided what I'm going to do with my life. It took a lot of soul searching, but I now know my true calling. I'm gonna become a hobo. That's right, riding the rails, singing folk songs and huddling around a barrel fire. Sounds like the good life doesn't it. It possesses a very Kerouac feel that I yearn for. Now I just have to find a good hobo gig with a nice retirement package and dental.

Not much to report at the moment. I found a cool website that has live shows from a variety of bands posted for free downloading. I spent most of the afternoon looking for cool stuff on that. I then went to Trip's and spent some quality time playing with Bodie (his Boston terrier) and watching reality tv.

I then came home and read Krondor the Betrayal for a while. It's pretty good, but I get the feeling there are some books that precede this one. I expect having read those would make this more enjoyable. Still it's pretty good so far.

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