Sunday, November 21, 2004

In pog form

Now listening to: Nick Drake

Went shopping in Greensboro with Trip today and we shopped... a lot. We stomped around half the stores in the city. We hit Bed, Bath and Beyond, World Market and Target and I have no doubt that every person in those stores thought we were just the cutest gay couple ever. HA! Like Trip could score a hot piece of ass like me!

I did manage to refrain from spending a lot of cash...mostly because I have bills to pay and want to keep my internet connection. I did buy the new Christopher Moore book, The Stupidest Angel. I love his books, they are friggin hysterical. Everyone should read Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. It's soo funny and not even overly sacreligious for you Bible-thumping types. This new book is a Christmas story, which gave me pause because I hate X-mas. But because I love all his other works and I had a $10 gift coupon, I went for it.

I was hoping to trade Burnout 3 in for a new game today, but the trade value was low and there wasn't anything I was willing to pay for right now. I'm hoping to hold off and trade Burnout and XMen Legends for the new Goldeneye game and Final Fantasy 1 & 2 coming out for GBA. I'll probably have to kick in some cash, but those games look pretty damn sweet.

So I think I finally have all the issues resolved with this blog (I hope so). I got Gabe's photo reworked and it should appear now (let me know if it doesn't).

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