Sunday, May 02, 2004


Now listening to: Classical net radio

When I walked out of the Bulletin this evening I caught a whiff of the most wonderful flowers. I love rainy spring days. The humidity makes the flowers smell heavier and pervasive. I also enjoy the way the trees and plants look soo green against the gray skies. Add the color of the flowers against the backdrop of the overcast horizon and it's like my own personal art movement. I love it.

I was feeling the bliss of an impending weekend as I left the building. I always think of the scene in Half Baked when Dave Chappelle leaves his job on the weekend and stretches both arms above his head and yells "FREE!" That's pretty much the way I feel on Saturday nights.

Of course this feeling is increased by the people I have to deal with to end the night. They are (in no particular order) an obese guy with bad teeth who, while a decent guy, is the laziest person I've ever met. And I'm in the know about lazy. His daughter, who's got a really bad attitude and isn't afraid to talk about her female problems (note infection). A mostly deaf guy who looks like a rat. This guy has clearly been so abused throughout his life that he has no idea how to relate to anyone who's not making fun of him or abusing him in some way. He's like an animal in a cage that hasn't been fed in days and has been poked with a stick, just angry. There is also the incredibly chatty kid, who refuses to go away. He makes stupid and overtly racist remarks regularly and is clueless.

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