Monday, October 11, 2004

The Darker Days of Me and Him

Now listening to: Sleater-Kinney

So you'd think sitting at home all day would be relaxing...but not at my house. There is always some bullshit to upset me and pretty much ruin the whole fucking day. Actually I was sorta expecting it as every Monday this sort of thing happens. I'm not gonna get into it, but it sucks and makes life worse than it has to be.

Other than that I haven't done anything besides watch TV and some episodes of Angel. That show never stops with the armageddon. Between Buffy and Angel, the end of the world is threatened every coupla months. I can barely handle a doubled internet bill, much less the apocalypse every couple of months. Still it makes for fun watching.

I'm kinda bored so my shut in stage may be over for the moment. I'm sure I'll be stir crazy tomorrow. I'm thinking I may need to get out early and do something...something cheap to be sure, but something. I need to start writing again, but my inspiration is running on empty. Where is my muse? Where is my mind?

I think I'm gonna spend some time playing free internet poker tonight and maybe do some reading later. Nothing like completely wasting time.

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