Sunday, November 30, 2003

Love of Lists

Now listening to: John Coltrane (The Last Giant)

Well finally got off work. It was a little harrowing there at the end, but I managed. I'm now just drinking water and cooling out to Coltrane. Smooth jazz. Fits my current mood, laid back. I now have a weekend to look forward to and it's gonna be sweet.

I watched Fever Pitch this morning (I got up at a shockingly early hour considering the relative drunkeness of previous night) and it was pretty good. I'm a sucker for Nick Hornby anyway and this was a screenplay he wrote based on his book. Colin Firth was cool, he plays a cool surly character that I can relate to well.

After that I watched X2, which is excellent. I'm a sucker for super heroes anyway and I've always loved the X-Men (well I was bigger into X-Factor, but it's practically the same thing). I then watched the end of the Tech/UVa game. Yay Cavs. And then I trundled off to work, for some real fun. (Note: Sarcasm)

I did end up doing dinner with Trip and then we went to the mall where I bought a coupla magazines. One being the new Rolling Stone with the list of the Top 500 albums ever. I'm a sucker for all lists anyway. No quicker way to get me to buy a mag than to put a big list into it. Love reading lists, making lists and talking about lists. Maybe it's a love of a certain type of organization caused by my mother being a librarian or maybe it's a need to classify everything. Actually I think it's more just a desire to find out how other people rate things and see if I agree i.e. a desire to fit in (or not).

While there are some specifics on the list I have troubles with, all in all I think it's pretty well put together. Hard to argue with Sgt. Pepper at No. 1 and I'm not really a big Beatles fan. I do think the Ramones were pushed a litte farther back than they should have been. I love the Clash, but how can they be in the top ten and not the Ramones. Would there have been a Clash without the Ramones? Also the lack of Fugazi's Repeater or 13 Songs is a gross oversight.

I actually have 111 of the 500 albums in one form or another.

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