Friday, August 20, 2004

Your own personal non-disclosure agreement

Now listening to: Embrace

Just watched the final two episodes of Six Feet Under season two. Lots of crying and hugging. It's a really good show and moving and what not. It's just depressing as all get out and frankly my current mental state isn't up to the task of dealing with that sort of thing. Plus I have an incredibly difficult time imagining a scenario where I do all that crying and talking things out. Frankly I'm emotionally distant to pretty much everyone. Not really sure why I'm like that but it's true. I actually am kinda sure why, but I'm not gonna get into it just to illustrate my point.

Trip and I took an impromptu trip to Danville for IHOP food after watching a couple of shows on competitive eating. Could this be my secret calling? Definitely not as I hate getting the meat sweats.

I've been fairly uninspired lately. I mean how inspired can you get sitting around your house gaining weight? I haven't been writing anything, aside from my rambling here. I still need to submit my story to Punk Planet. I just haven'tbeen motivated to do anything.

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